Full Moon Womens Breathwork Journey

Date: Sunday 23rd June 2019

Come gather with a tribe of like hearted women for an candlelight evening of sacred rituals to honour your body, mind and spirit.

For centuries women have gathered in circle, to share, support, laugh, heal, connect, and so much more. We rekindle that ancient tradition and journey to the inner realms where together we will let go, move, share, breathe and feel.

Pull back from the everyday pace of life and come to a place of deeper peace, where clarity can arise and the heart’s gentle whispers can be clearly heard.

We draw on the wisdom of ancient healing practices and bring it all together in this deeply nourishing Full Moon Candlelight Women’s Breathwork Journey.

This event is suitable for beginners, and for women of all ages.

Bring an open mind, a yoga mat, water, blanket and cushion (for under your knees) and wear comfortable clothes that you can move in.

Booking is essential – please contact Candice @mindbody connect on 083-309-1181 or on mindbodyconnect@outlook.com

Date: Sunday 23rd June 2019
Time: 16:00 – 18:30
Investment in yourself: R350
Venue: Mindbody Connect  – Kramerville Sandton

These workshops fill up quickly as our floor space is limited so if you are keen to attend please do your EFT promptly after booking. Thank you kindly.

We will begin promptly at 4pm and no late-comers will be allowed in even if you have paid in full. So please make every effort to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time!

Conscious Breathwork Journey
Date: 15TH June 2019

Are you ready to
* Awaken, expand and liberate?
* Come into a deeper state of presence?
* Bring more balance to yourself and your life?

For centuries the breath and sound have been used as medicine to connect, heal and awaken. Ancient tribes still use this medicine today. Rekindle the tradition that is innately within us and activate your DNA on a journey like no other.

Dissolve stress, surrender, release, awaken & enliven the inner most heart through the healing power of breath and sound, in a safely held and loving environment.

The depth of breathwork allows you to enter into a deep expanded state where profound connection, healing, clarity, insight and deep relaxation can occur.

We draw on the wisdom of ancient healing practices and bring it all together in this delicious afternoon.

This event is suitable for beginners, and people of all ages.

Bring an open mind, a yoga mat, water, blanket and cushion and wear comfortable clothes.

Booking is essential – please contact Kerry 084 800 4444 or on kerry@indieyoga.co.za

Please note: these workshops fill up quickly as our floor space is limited so if you are keen to attend please do your EFT promptly after booking. Thank you kindly.


Saturday 15th June
R350 per person

We will begin promptly at 2pm and no late-comers will be allowed in even if you have paid in full.

Please make every effort to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time!! We look forward to welcoming you.

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